Christina Jespersen
Independent consultant
+977 1 9849671518
Team leader of joint Family Protection Department - Save the Children Denmark impact study of programme of protection of women and children in ...
Conducted evaluation of the emergency shelter cluster active during the Baluchistan 2008 Earthquake Response. August 2009. (Client: ...
Humanitarian and transition expert on appraisal of the Danida programme "Support to the Implementation of th Comprehensive Peace Agreement, ...
Operational Consequences of Reform: Research project mapping main achievements and challenges of humanitarian reforms, through meta-review, key ...
As part of the Operational Consequences of Reform project, conducted the Ethiopa country study of the humanitarian assistance architecture, ...
 As part of Development Initiatives team, reviewed Denmark as the Good Humanitarian Donor, including drivers for decision making, policy ...
Scoping and planning; Revision of Denmark’s Strategy on Humanitarian Aid. In close cooperation with Department for ...
Review of Anhui & Qinghai Integrated Agricultural Projects, under International Fund for Agriculture’s programme in China, implemented in ...
Project formulation: Capacity Development and Implementation of Latvia’s Biodiversity Plan of Action Location: Riga, Latvia (Client: ...
• Project formulation: Vietnam’s Good Governance Programme. Location: Hanoi, Vietnam (Client: ...
 Impact assessment: Northeast Sichuan Integrated Agricultural Development Project. Location: Sichuan Province, China. Rome. (Client: ...
Review of Dak Lak Administrative Reform Project, Vietnam. Location: Dak Lak Province, Vietnam. ...
Socio-economic survey of the Vietnamese refugee population in China. A questionnaire survey of 5,000 refugee-families (some 300,000 persons) settled ...
Upper Nan Watershed Management Project. Recurrent consultant with this five-year project in Thailand’s Nan province. Area of responsibility ...
Evaluation of Danida’s Environmental Programmes. Organization development consultant within four-person team assessing the performance of ...

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