About CJ Consult
Christina Jespersen
Independent consultant
+977 1 9849671518


CJ Consult offers independent advice and consultation to donors, practitioners and policy makers within humanitarian affairs, transition assistance and disaster risk reduction.

CJ Consult is run by Christina Jespersen, who has been engaged in the field of humanitarian assistance and policy debate for 18 years.

With solid experience from the UN, NGOs and humanitarian donors, CJ Consult is focused on the end objective of humanitarian operations: saving lives, alleviating human suffering and maintaining dignity.

CJ Consult shares the concern of humanitarian actors that humanitarian principles are upheld. We must ensure the rights, life and dignity of persons in need. We must provide the best and most relevant assistance to beneficiaries, whether victims of natural disasters or of conflict. And we must do so purely on the basis of need.

CJ Consult offers assistance with policy development, strategizing, needs analysis, project planning, assessment and evaluation. 


How do I target my donation? / How do I make a difference? / Are we reaching our goals? / Are we doing our best to plan, fund and help?